Saturday, February 28, 2009


Ready Mark- or as Mark say "eddie"...for "ready" precious! I say....'What sound does the S make'....and Mark says 'SSSSSSS" with a smile- see next picture So pleased, he said it right!
So...we started doing flashcards with Mark- letters, words, numbers, sentences and he LOVES it! He gets so excited and happy when he gets it right (or wrong-ha). I need to get out the video camera and tape his laugh. If I could bottle it up and give it away, I would. It is so infectious and brings tears to your eyes to hear a child laugh so freely. He is so smart, and I am not just saying that. Mark knows so many things now and we are so proud! We are blessed- truly blessed and I thank GOD for him and Craig everyday! Thank you!

Love this photo of Daddy and him doing the alphabet cards. Laughing.......
N now Mark..... So happy to learn new things.....
Love this little boy! Can you tell~ wink! 'L' Mark........he is concentrating so hard to say the right letter ;-) He looks like he is doing something in his diaper-ha!
And now SO excited and happy he guessed right ;-) His nose crinkles when he laughs REALLY hard (like now) cute! So infectious! OMG'sh- everytime I look at this picture, my hubby and I crack up- LOVE IT!
Laughing so freely!
Hi Mommy! I am learning my letters like you told me to! So proud of you Mark! We love you!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This is my favorite image to date- Mark in October 2008. Well, it was all for good reason. I have been getting my business together because Spring will be here before we know it. Although, judging by today- later rather than sooner. I have been pulling 2008 session images from my old computer, external hardrive and current computer and it has been a very LONG, tedious process. I now know how to better organize my pictures :-) I am about half done, but still have images to pull. Wanted to post some pictures here to say hello.
My website is almost complete- still adding images to my portfolio tab. My pricing is up, all but for individual prints. I should have it complete in the following week or two. March 21st is when I begin with my first sessions- 34 more days, not that I am counting or anything :-) Also, April 1st is when I can unveil something- something that has been in the works for awhile and I am so excited to see it!!!!!
I hope you all have had a nice Winter! Yay- for Spring :-) Contact me anytime with questions and information or to schedule your creative session.
Cutie-pie Miss Kate- July 2008Ian- May 2008- my first images
Miss Tess- July 2008
One of my favorite images too- Miss Tess
Miss Kendall- August 2008 Miss Anna- October 2008 Max- June 2008 Spencer- October 2008Olivia- September 2008