After we finally made it out of the house- funny story there.....My family and I were on our way to a family reunion in Minnesota, so Mark's great-grandmother- who is 93, gets to meet Mark for the first time, and see the rest of the family. It really was a special time for us! Since we had been in the car for about 6 hours at this point, we pulled over at this pretty cool rest area and I took some cute photos of Mark running around- he was so excited to get out and RUN, and not sit in the car! We had dinner the night before w/ relatives and poor Mark got chased all around outside by his 2nd cousins and fell down- but he just got back up and chased them back laughing- he was full of energy after driving for soooo long!
This picture reminds me of Forest Gump...father and special!!!!! He wouldn't let go of his stroller so we went with it ;-)

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