This little girl is well on her way into finding the "acting bug"- if she hasn't already???? She is so into making different faces and poses. Mom, Sara and me referenced Michael Jackson's
Thriller video to her "scary pose" Sara, you will have to show her that video when she is old enough to watch it and tell her how she was doing the same dance moves as the characters in the video for her session with me. I couldn't even get her to laugh when she was doing her "serious face". It took the "Tickle Monster" running towards her to break it! I know this little girl will be in the Drama Club at her school in a few years! Watch out Hollywood, Miss Timms is comin' a knockin!

If you were there- you would get this look, and I had to post it for her Mom! It is so her! Doing her "acting faces". This is her "you are not going to get me to move and smile" look! ;-)

Amazing color!!!!!! Gotta love nature!

Telling me all about her new teacher at school and how her named changed (her teached got married).......

My art project as I tried soft focus on my camera.......

Going vintage....

Photos taken at High Banks Park in Columbus.