My mocha wash-vintage technique
I thought I would post the rare picture of me......Being I am the photographer in the family, it is a rare occurrence that I am in them...not that I mind! Being like most individuals, there are few I like of myself. It was a little weird editing them too. I was quite embarrassed when the editor of the magazine asked me for family photos of all 3 of us, and some of Mark and me- we have very few. So Craig took the camera and got some of at least Mark and me. Thanks honey!!!!
Lovin' the Mohawk- hahaha! Getting sleepy!

Land of the Seagulls
Me and cute! This is Daddy's favorite! I want to post one of me from behind? LOL As my Mom has said- you will look back at old photos and think, Wow- I looked good then! LOL
I always love pictures from my sessions when the children/family is walking away, so I thought I would post one of me and Mark (hubby took it). My b/w vintage technique with border overlay.

It was such a pretty day here in the Midwest- sunny and just the right temperature. Have I mentioned that I LOVE OHIO and the Midwest???? We ventured down to the River about a mile away and walked along the base. It is QUITE low right now because they are working on the dam. I will be posting more later of "Ralphie" and Daddy when I am done editing them. There are some darling pictures of the 2 of them. My husband didn't do too bad either on these- I was quite impressed! I might hire him as my assistant.
Messing with some fishing line...... until we put a stop to that :-) And the Sun at this moment was spectacular!!!!!!

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