Wednesday, November 12, 2008

1954 Vintage 'International Cub' beautiful

Also, a BIG thanks to the families that are patiently waiting for their creative sessions. With the weather being in the 30's and snow/rain......we are waiting for Mother Nature to give us some days with no rain and maybe a bit warmer would be nice too! Thanks so much Mimi, Jenn and Chris- we will work together to get your children's creative session in the coming days/week.
Mario Antretti Jr.
Look at those cheeks- LOL!
Gotta love RED!
Just gorgeous!!!! Man, how life has changed in 2.5 years-hahaha! When I look and love 'vintage' tractors-hahahaha! These are from last month too- just now got time to work on them! Mark was a little unsure about the tractor which is just gorgeous and a beautiful shade of he is ok with it, but it is COLD to be on on a daily basis!!!!

Picture below- made to look OLD.....all custom
Starting to warm up to it ;-)
My 'vintage color fade' technique
Just chillin'

Now he just daydreams about the tractor until he can see it again in the Spring ;-)

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