Little Eskimo ;-) LOVE the tongue out holding her cocoa- priceless!

Now with my 'vintage b/w'....

Mommy made her some hot cocoa so she could warm up....

Princess 'Pretty Eyes'...

I LOVE this one- of her in the wagon!!! Using my 'bold color' technique. I think she looks like a young lady here....more than 3 years old!

And my 'texture' technique to it now.

On our way to get some cocoa- happy! Love this expression- priceless!

We were playing "we are not going to smile" game- I won! ;-)

I think this is where she was getting her hot cocoa or the tickle monster (me) was coming to get her......love the laugh!
Reminds me of a scene from 'The Wizard of Oz'. She is trying to find Diego (her cat)......so she is sad because we never could find him??? He is probably where it is warm ;-)

I knew we could get her to smile......
A couple pictures of their farm. They did not ask for this, but I couldn't resist doing a couple.
I call the picture below....'Openings'......
4 of their dogs......
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