Uncle Steve and Mark in the 'bucket'....
Mark sitting in one of the fire trucks.....trying to figure everything out. He hated all the horns going- scared him (and me) to death. I think with the red- he was probably trying to find Elmo!
This morning, we headed to Sutphen Corp.- manufacturer of fire trucks across the US. I give a BIG thanks to Uncle Steve for setting this up. We had a private tour with the owner- 5th generation son, Drew Sutphen. Mark learned how fire trucks are built from the ground up, sit in a brand new fire truck and push all kinds of buttons and even sit in the bucket w/ Steve. I will post more in the coming days. Thanks so much Steve! We ALL had a ball! My ears are permanently ringing from all the horns going!!!!!
Daddy grabbing the camera....and LOVIN' my new haircut ;-)

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